
Swarna Bharat Party's position on climate change

SUMMARY: The only relevant policy question about climate change is the effect of CO2. Our party has confirmed that CO2 has no observable effect on the climate.  

The Earth started warming from around 1800 after the end of the Little Ice Age.  The rather poorly correlated relationship between warming since 1800 and man-made CO2 emissions since 1950 is purely coincidental, not causal. Geological data also confirm that CO2 never caused climate change in the past - so it is impossible for it to cause such change today. 

It is not necessary to have a proven alternative theory of the climate, for that is an ongoing matter for science to explore. Our party rejects attempts by UN organisations to impose the socialist model on the world in the guise of “climate change”. We remain committed to appropriate action against real pollutants and real environmental issues.

5-PAGE HANDOUT:  PDF   |  Word version 

European Climate Declaration September 26, 2019, to which our leader Sanjeev Sabhlok is India's only signatory (details).


The warming effects of CO2 are benign - 28 June 2019

Why the precautionary principle is bad policy - 23 July 2019

Why should we subsidise tomorrow’s rich in the name of the climate? - 28 July 2019

Maximise the current generation’s wealth and review any CO2 issues in 2050 - 1 August 2019

Looking behind the scenes of the well-orchestrated climate hysteria - 22 August 2019

Climate hysteria is a great opportunity to teach children to ask questions - 25 August 2019

Solar energy badly harms the environment. It must be taxed, not subsidised - 2 September 2019

If not solar energy, what should India use? - Part 1, 18 September 2019

If not solar energy, what should India use? - Part 2, 18 September 2019

Pandemic, climate change: Why is the sky always falling on our head? - 6 August 2020


Source: Wikipedia

Note on this chart above: Although this is published in the prestigious Science (2019) magazine  (screenshot in case they remove it), the ideological position of Science has contaminated its commentary. The claim that "humans have been rapidly warming the climate "again" is ideological nonsense. Half of half a degree max (even going by IPCC) doesn't even show up as a blip in this chart.

In general, climate scientists who have never studied geology don't know that the Earth has been dramatically cooling over the past 500 years. A tiny squeak of 1 degree centigrade over 100 years bothers them so much. Those who have not studied geology intensely are not fit to call themselves climate scientists.

And see important charts at: If you deny these climate science charts, YOU are the CLIMATE DENIER

Note: List of places where CO2 is measured: Mauna Loa is the longest series we have but there are many other stations.


Climate change: On media perceptions and misperceptions - Wallace Manheimer, October 2019, Forum on Physics and Society

Even in 1996 Julian Simon's sharp mind pierced through the "global warming" fraud - Extract from Ultimate Resource 2

Comments on Draft Technical Support Document for Endangerment Analysis for Greenhouse Gas Emissions under the Clean Air Act (2009) by EPA's own economist, Alan Carlin 

On the Validity of NOAA, NASA and Hadley CRU Global Average Surface Temperature Data & The Validity of EPA’s CO2 Endangerment Finding - Abridged Research Report (2017) by Dr. James P. Wallace III, Dr. Joseph S. D’Aleo, Dr. Craig D. Idso

Nature, Not Human Activity, Rules the Climate - Fred Singer (2008) Heartland Institute

Climate Change Reconsidered II - Physical Science (2013), Heartland Institute

Why scientists disagree about global warming (2015) By Craig Idso, Robert M. Carter, S. Fred Singer

Science under assault - slides by John Droz

Slides on climate models by John Droz

Comments on climate change from one of the greatest economists of all time, Vernon Smith

One of the greatest living economists – Thomas Sowell – is clear about this climate change nonsense

Climatic Effects Of Manmade Carbon Dioxide - Bud Bromley & Tom D. Tamarkin 

Extract from Robert Zubrin’s Merchants of Despair on how “carbon remedies” will DESTROY the poor

CO2 Beneficial to Earth, Impact on Global Warming Vastly Exaggerated - Alex Nicolson and Dr Lars Scherniku

Increasing CO2 and its Impact on Agricultural Production - by Centre for Environment and Agriculture, Mumbai (PDF)


Whom to read: Nature journal has prepared a list of 386 rational thinkers. You can start with any of them. ANY of them is far better than the climate deniers (who call themselves "believers") - people who deny the entire sciences of biology, geology and atmospheric science. Also these scientists smeared by Carbon Brief. 

Heaven and Earth (2009) by Ian Plimer

Climate Change - the facts (2010) ed. Alan Moran - available free of cost.

The Delinquient Teenager (2011) - Donna Laframboise. [book sample]

Evidence-Based Climate Science - Data Opposing CO2 Emissions as the Primary Source of Global Warming - Dan Easterbrook, Elsevier, 2011

The Great Global Warming Blunder: How Mother Nature Fooled the World's Top Climate Scientists - Roy Spencer (2011)

The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science - Tim Ball (2014)

"A Disgrace to the Profession" - Mark Steyn (editor), 2015

Climate Change: The Facts - edited by Alan Moran, Institute of Public Affairs Melbourne (2015)

Climate Change: The Facts 2017 - Jennifer Marohasy (ed.) 2017

Inconvenient Facts: The science that Al Gore doesn't want you to know - Gregory Wrightstone


The one rule that would expose wind power’s true cost - Terry Mccrann, 17 August 2019

New Energy Economy: Mark Mills (PDF available)


Why Renewables Can’t Save the Planet - Michael Shellenberger, 27 February 2019

The Environmental Disaster of Solar Energy - John Hinderaker 15 August 2019

Why Wind and Solar Aren’t Enough - William Buldinger, 9 August 2019



Dr Willie Soon demolishes the extreme weather panic and other hysterical arguments

In the video below, Prof. Tim Ball shows not only why the "science" behind the CO2 scare is completely false, he shows how the fascists and eugenicists have created this scare very consciously in order to choke modern civilisation and development.

In the video beow we see the terrible science behind the climate panic. Climate models ASSUME that CO2 causes warming and therefore dramatically over-shoot in their predictions.

In this video, Judith Curry refutes Michael Mann's bad science with serious science.

In the video below Dr Patrick Moore provides the overview of real climate science and disproves the CO2 panic

In the video below, renowned scholar Steven F. Hayward SMASHES the climate alarm

In the video below Professor William Happer, Donald Trump's adviser, smashes the myth that CO2 is a problem

In the video below, Prof Ross McKitrick explains why Michael Mann's hockey stick graph is the result of terrible statistical analysis. This is explained in detail in the book The Hockey Stick Illusion by A.W. Montford

Cartoonist Scott Adams lays out the logic of climate science below (this is very good critical thinking)

In this video, Craig Idso rejects climate alarm and massively wins the Soho debate

In the video below, Steve McIntyre explains how Michael Mann cooked up his hockey stick model.

The inimitable John Stossel rips apart the farce of "climate change"

Tony Heller (also known as Steven Goddard) consolidates some of the key failed predictions of climate "scientists"

Donna Lafromboise summarises how the IPCC has nothing to do with science: entirely ideology and politics

Robert Zubrin outlines the rise of anti-poor Malthusians and the fake climate alarm

Prof. Don Easterbrook shows that tiny levels of CO2 can't possibly cause global warming

More videos at this playlist.