Program details available to us through various sources:

On Facebook: poster in Marathi | poster in English


Shetkari sanghatana has declared a civil disobedience agitation to remove the ban on GM crops. Thousands of farmers from Maharashtra and some representatives from other states are going to attend this programme. The demonstrators are going to defay the law which restricts farmers from carrying, storing, selling, sowing or conducting trials. Any body who commits this crime has to pay one lakh Rs. fine and has to serve 5 years imprisonment. Shetkri sanghatana activists and farmer are going commit this offence on 10th June by planting seeds of banned HTBT cotton variety and banned BT Brinjal seeds.

Thousands of farmers will assemble at Akoli Jahagir village, Akot tahesil of Akola district Maharashtra. from 9.00 am . Tea and breakfast will be served. Speeches of leaders , technical people and question answer session will be held from 10 am to 2.00 pm.

Actual Planting programme will take place from 2.00 pm to 2.30 pm.

Lunch will be served after that and the programme will end by 4.30. All supporters of GM Technology and well wishers of farmers are invited to attend the programme and take part in the historic non cooperation / civil disobedience movement.


Kisan Satyagraha: 
Farmers demand access to GM technology, Akot, MH, 10 June 2019.

Lalit Patil Bahale, a farmers' leader in Akola district, has decided to publicly plant the unauthorised herbicide tolerant Roundup Ready Bt cotton, as well as Bt brinjal, on June 10, at Akot. 

The Shetkari Sanghatana would like to invite farmers and friends to join them in Akot (about 50 km, north of Akola), to participate in the proceedings, June 10, 2019, from 9 am to 4 pm. 

On this occasion, there would also be a discussion on the benefits of GM technology for famers in India. The programme schedule is below.  

As you may know, recently there has been a controversy in Haryana over alleged GM brinjal, although there is little clarity on whether it is indeed Bt brinjal. Bangladesh approved Bt Brinjal in 2013. But the GoI had overruled the recommendation of GEAC in 2009, and imposed a moratorium on Bt Brinjal in 2010, which still continues.  The context of the current controversy over brinjal is available here. 

Over the past few years, herbicide tolerant Bt cotton has been planted in many cotton growing areas of India, particularly in Gujarat, Maharashtra, Telengana and Andhra Pradesh. A GoI field survey in 2017, had found that 15% of cotton sampled from these states were the unauthorised HT Bt variety. 

You may recall, that a similar situation had prevailed in 1999-2001, when unauthorised Bt cotton was first found in Gujarat. Widespread acceptance of GM cotton by the farmers, and effectively led by the late Sharad Joshi of Shetkari Sanghatana, the farmers had almost forced the GoI to approve the first generation Bt cotton in 2002. A background to the Bt cotton debate is available here. 

This is perhaps the first Kisan Satyagraha seeking freedom from overbearing government regulations restricting access to modern technology to Indian farmers. The farmers are not demanding any privilege from the government, rather freedom from government control.  

Would be really nice if you could join us, despite the short notice. And please do help spread the word.

Following is a letter from Lalit Patil Bahale (mob. 97654 70002) of Shetkari Sanghatana in Akola, and the proposed programme schedule.  

Thanks and regards, 

Barun Mitra 

New Delhi 


Farmers' Manifesto for Freedom 


किसान भाईयों और मेरी माताबहेनो,

खेती-किसानी मे बिजोका अनन्यसाधारण महत्व है।खेतीके भरोसे गुजारा होना हो तो इसके तौर-तरीकोका जागतीकस्तर का होना जरूरी है।अत्याधुनिक तंत्रज्ञान के बिना हिंदुस्तान का किसान इस दौड मे टिक नही पायेगा।जैव-तांत्रीकीना केवल बिज को बेहतर गुणोसे संवारती है बल्के कुछ दोष होतो उसे हटानेका हुनर भी रखती है।इस तकनीक कोहमारेही कुछ  भाईयोने हमतक आनेसे रोक रखा है.इन पर्यावरण दहशतगर्दोके खिलाफ कुछ आवाजे तो उठी है, हमेउसे और बुलंद करना है।इसलीये हम HTBtकपास और Bt बैंगन कि ऐलानीया बुआई कर रहे है।

इस बुआई कार्यक्रममे आप शामील हुये तो बडा हौसला प्राप्त होगा। 

आपको आग्रहपूर्वक नौता देते है।जरुर आईये।


ललित पटेल बाहाळे

संपर्क करे : ९७६५४७०००२ 



            तंत्रज्ञान आझादी सतसंग


     आपकी उपस्थिती का आग्रह   

ललित पटेल बाहाळे

              शेतकरी संघटना

दि.१० जुन २०१९

बडा खेत , आकोली जाहागीर, 

तह.: आकोट , जिला.: आकोला .महाराष्ट्र.



सुबह ९:००से९:३० : चाय-नाश्ता

सु.९:३०से १०:०० : उद्घाटन एवं मेहमानोका परीचय एवं स्वागत

सु.१० से दोपहर १:३०: 

विषय विषेश प्रबोधन एवं चर्चा

१. जैवतंत्रज्ञान का खेती-किसानी मे महत्त्व.

२. जैविक(सेंद्रीय तथा तत्सम)खेती एवं जैवतांत्रीकी.

३. क्रषीउत्पादकी किमते एवं जैवतंत्रज्ञानके अर्थशास्त्रीय परीणाम.

४. तंत्रज्ञान-जैवतंत्रज्ञान : पाणी, उत्पादकता ,और विषेश गुणात्मक उत्पादन. 

५. जैवतंत्रज्ञान एवं पर्यावरण.

६. जैवतंत्रज्ञान और रोजगार.

दो. १:३० से  दो. २:०० : 

H.T. Bt. कपासकी बुआई और Bt.बैंगन की पनेरी विकास कार्यक्रम.

दो. २:०० बजे. : सहभोज.

दो. ४:०० बजे. : राष्ट्रगान. 

कार्यक्रम का समापन.



  • On 10, Jun, 2019
  • News