National Press Release – to be released across India [Word version | Hindi version]

6 October 2016 – for immediate release

Chikangunya / Dengue = Mosquitoes or misgovernance?

Only Swarna Bharat Party’s liberal policies can save us from mosquito-borne diseases: Alok Kumar, Vice President

Alok Kumar, Vice President of Swarna Bharat Party, regretted the reported deaths from chikungunya in Delhi and added that till the government is busy running shops and banks, citizens can never achieve a healthy lifestyle.

While the precise number of deaths by chikangunya and dengue is disputed by the experts, at least some people have died from these diseases. Many thousands have been racked by severe pain. Many have had their health permanently damaged.

Mr Alok Kumar said that these diseases are ultimately diseases of misgovernance. Political parties across the country are clueless. The Supreme Court has blamed the BJP and AAP. These parties are, in turn, blaming each other, at the cost of lives and livelihood of the people.

The need of the hour is to build world-class drains, sewerage system and roads and public places that do not allow water to collect. Town planning can also reduce the scope for stagnant water. Mass education is needed so the people use mosquito nets and remove all open containers from their gardens where water could stagnate. Fogging can complement these solutions, noting that it leaves the larvae unharmed, adult mosquitoes not directly hit by the fog remain alive, it pushes mosquitoes into people’s houses, and it can lead to allergic reactions in some people.

Further, Mr Alok Kumar said, we need a website like that of the American Centre for Disease Control, along with SMS alerts to keep the people informed. The government must also directly target the parasite/virus. Sri Lanka depleted the parasite reservoir by promptly treating malaria cases. It is now free of malaria. Early notification and isolation in mosquito nets can reduce the chikungunya and dengue virus reservoir. Transgenic sterilisation methods can also reduce mosquitoes. The government also needs to fast track research into vaccines.

Mr Alok Kumar said that unfortunately, socialist policies have brought India to its knees and the people are dying and in pain. Socialist parties neither know how to govern nor are professional and scientific in their approach. He said that so far the people had no choice. Now, however, Swarna Bharat Party has arrived. It has a clear plan of action and policies of freedom and accountability that will rapidly take India out of the mess and filth created by the socialists.


Notes for Editors

SBP is India’s only liberal party, committed to defending liberty and promoting prosperity.


Alok Kumar (Ghaziabad), National Vice President and President UP State Unit, +91 9999755334

Sanjay Sonawani (Pune), National President, +91 9860991205